Yue Guang Bai
Enormous, wild, these long leaves in black and white have been dried sans sunlight, hence their name 'moonlight white'. Though the first infusions match their appearance with a woody, slightly abrasive character, they quickly turn over a new leaf and yield a delicacy that the type is known for: soft, starchy sweetness reminiscent of corn, the mild aroma of butter and the lingering brightness of elderflower. Though markedly different in profile, fans of floral Yin Zhen ought not to discount this Yunnanese white tea, which affords a pleasure all its own, both rough and refined.
Written by Dominik
- ORIGIN: Yingpanshan, Pu'er, Yunnan, China
- MEANING: Moonlight white (yue guang bai)
- CULTIVAR: Yun Kang Shi Hao (Yun Kang Nr. 10)
- HARVEST TIME: 11 April 2024
- TASTE: Corn, butter, elderflower
- Quantity: 6g / 500ml
- Water temperature: 90°C
- Infusion time: 5 min
- Quantity: 3g / 100ml
- Water temperature: 90°C
- 5 infusions: 45, 45, 60, 75, 90 sec
For best results in gongfu cha, brew in the traditional gaiwan or in a Yixing teapot. Too high water temperature would burn the leaves, resulting in bitter taste.
Additional Information
Watch our video on the Nannuoshan YouTube Channel to learn more about the taste of Yue Guang Bai, how it compares with white tea from Fuding, and if it's really dried in the moonlight.